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2024-03-06 10:50:17 +01:00
"settings": {
"//settings": "General Settings",
"//maxDistance": "Maximum distance from where Blocks and Entities can be picked up",
"maxDistance": 2.5,
"//maxEntityWidth": "Max width of entities that can be picked up in survival mode",
"maxEntityWidth": 1.5,
"//maxEntityHeight": "Max height of entities that can be picked up in survival mode",
"maxEntityHeight": 2.5,
"//blockSlownessMultiplier": "Slowness multiplier for blocks",
"blockSlownessMultiplier": 1.0,
"//entitySlownessMultiplier": "Slowness multiplier for entities",
"entitySlownessMultiplier": 1.0,
"//maxEntityStackLimit": "Maximum stack limit for entities",
"maxEntityStackLimit": 10,
"//heavyTiles": "More complex Tile Entities slow down the player more",
"heavyTiles": true,
"//pickupAllBlocks": "Allow all blocks to be picked up, not just Tile Entites. White/Blacklist will still be respected.",
"pickupAllBlocks": false,
"//slownessInCreative": "Whether Blocks and Entities slow the creative player down when carried",
"slownessInCreative": true,
"//pickupHostileMobs": "Whether hostile mobs should be able to picked up in survival mode",
"pickupHostileMobs": false,
"//heavyEntities": "Larger Entities slow down the player more",
"heavyEntities": true,
"//allowBabies": "Allow babies to be carried even when adult mob is blacklisted (or not whitelisted)",
"allowBabies": false,
"//useWhitelistBlocks": "Use Whitelist instead of Blacklist for Blocks",
"useWhitelistBlocks": false,
"//useWhitelistEntities": "Use Whitelist instead of Blacklist for Entities",
"useWhitelistEntities": false,
"//useWhitelistStacking": "Use Whitelist instead of Blacklist for Stacking",
"useWhitelistStacking": false,
"//hitWhileCarrying": "Whether the player can hit blocks and entities while carrying or not",
"hitWhileCarrying": false,
"//dropCarriedWhenHit": "Whether the player drops the carried object when hit or not",
"dropCarriedWhenHit": false,
"//useScripts": "Use custom Pickup Scripts. Having this set to false, will not allow you to run scripts, but will increase your performance",
"useScripts": false,
"//stackableEntities": "Allows entities to be stacked on top of each other",
"stackableEntities": true,
"//entitySizeMattersStacking": "Whether entities' size matters when stacking or not. This means that larger entities cannot be stacked on smaller ones",
"entitySizeMattersStacking": true,
"//placementStateExceptions": "Usually all the block state information is retained when placing a block that was picked up. But some information is changed to a modified property, like rotation or orientation. In this list, add additional properties that should NOT be saved and instead be updated when placed. Format: modid:block[propertyname]. Note: You don't need to add an entry for every subtype of a same block. For example, we only add an entry for one type of slab, but the change is applied to all slabs.",
"placementStateExceptions": [
"//pickupPlayers": "Whether Players can be picked up. Creative players can't be picked up in Survival Mode",
"pickupPlayers": true,
"//pickupUnbreakableBlocks": "Whether players in Survival Mode can pick up unbreakable blocks. Creative players always can.",
"pickupUnbreakableBlocks": false
"whitelist": {
"//whitelist": "Whitelist. Read about the format here:",
"//allowedEntities": "Entities that CAN be picked up (useWhitelistEntities must be true)",
"allowedEntities": [],
"//allowedBlocks": "Blocks that CAN be picked up (useWhitelistBlocks must be true)",
"allowedBlocks": [],
"//allowedStacking": "Entities that CAN have other entities stacked on top of them (useWhitelistStacking must be true)",
"allowedStacking": []
"blacklist": {
"//blacklist": "Blacklist. Read about the format here:",
"//forbiddenTiles": "Blocks that cannot be picked up",
"forbiddenTiles": [
"//forbiddenEntities": "Entities that cannot be picked up",
"forbiddenEntities": [
"//forbiddenStacking": "Entities that cannot have other entities stacked on top of them",
"forbiddenStacking": [
"customPickupConditions": {
"//customPickupConditions": "Custom Pickup Conditions. Read about the format here:",
"//customPickupConditionsBlocks": "Custom Pickup Conditions for Blocks",
"customPickupConditionsBlocks": [],
"//customPickupConditionsEntities": "Custom Pickup Conditions for Entities",
"customPickupConditionsEntities": []