missing_registry_sync_message="{\"translate\":\"qsl.registry_sync.unsupported_client\",\"fallback\":\"Unsupported (vanilla?) client!\\nThis server requires modded client to join!\\n\"}"
# Top part of the message displayed for players joining with incompatible clients. Supports strings and Minecraft's JSON text format.
# default: {"translate":"qsl.registry_sync.failed_sync","fallback":"Failed to synchronize client with the server!\nThis can happen when client's and server's mods don't match.\n"}
mismatched_entries_top_message="{\"translate\":\"qsl.registry_sync.failed_sync\",\"fallback\":\"Failed to synchronize client with the server!\\nThis can happen when client's and server's mods don't match.\\n\"}"
# Bottom part of the message displayed for players joining with incompatible clients. Supports strings and Minecraft's JSON text format.