[customization] # Items that count as fireworks for the offhand-firework tweak options. fireworkItems = [ "minecraft:firework_rocket" ] # Items that count as shields for the offhand-shield hiding tweak options. shieldItems = [ "basicshields:wooden_shield", "basicshields:golden_shield", "basicshields:diamond_shield", "basicshields:netherite_shield" ] # Items that count as weapons for the offhand-shield hiding tweak options. shieldWeapons = [ "tetra:modular_sword" ] # Items that count as torches for the offhand-torch tweak options. torchItems = [ "minecraft:torch", "minecraft:soul_torch", "tconstruct:stone_torch" ] # Items that are allowed to place torches from the offhand if offhandTorchWithToolOnly is enabled. torchTools = [ "minecraft:wooden_pickaxe", "minecraft:stone_pickaxe", "minecraft:iron_pickaxe", "minecraft:golden_pickaxe", "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe", "minecraft:netherite_pickaxe", "tconstruct:pickaxe", "tconstruct:hammer" ] [tweaks] # This option will let you climb ladders automatically by just looking upwards, rather than requiring a key to be held down. autoClimbLadder = true # This option will disable log stripping. disableLogStripping = false # This option will disable step assist added by other mods. disableStepAssist = false # This prevents the last torch in the offhand from being placed. doNotUseLastTorch = false # This option will hide your offhand item. It can be toggled via an optional key binding. hideOffhandItem = false # This option will hide your own potion particle effects for your client (other players will still see them). hideOwnParticleEffects = false # This option will hide your shield unless you are holding a weapon. hideShieldUnlessHoldingWeapon = true # This adds back the master volume slider to the options screen. Saves you a click! masterVolumeSlider = true # This adds back the music volume slider to the options screen. Saves you a click! musicVolumeSlider = true # This prevents fireworks from being launched from your off hand if you are wearing an Elytra, unless you're flying. noOffhandFireworksWithElytra = true # This prevents torches from being placed from your offhand at all. noOffhandTorchAtAll = false # This prevents torches from being placed from your offhand if you have a block in your main hand. noOffhandTorchWithBlock = true # This prevents torches from being placed from your off hand if you have an empty main hand. noOffhandTorchWithEmptyHand = false # This prevents torches from being placed from your offhand if you have food in your main hand. noOffhandTorchWithFood = true # This option makes the recipe book not shift the inventory when opened. Works best with smaller GUI scales / bigger resolutions. noRecipeBookShifting = false # This restricts torches to be placed from the offhand only when you're holding a tool in your main hand. offhandTorchWithToolOnly = false # This option will make iron fences and glass panes have a bigger hitbox while placing them, making it easier to aim. paneBuildingSupport = true