#Fastload Configuration File #Sat May 18 19:00:08 CEST 2024 debug=false instant_load=false server_render_chunk_radius=3 chunk_try_limit=250 local_render_chunk_radius=10 # Definitions # 'debug' = debug (logWarn) all things happening in fastload to aid in diagnosing issues. # Enabled = true, Disabled = false # # 'chunk_try_limit' = how many times in a row should the same count of loaded chunks be ignored before we cancel pre-rendering. # Min = 1, Max = 1000. Set 1000 for infinity # # 'instant_load' = should fastload just nuke the downloading terrain screen? This boolean is for impatient people who think fastload's loading screen isn't necessary. # Enabled = true, Disabled = false # # 'local_render_chunk_radius' = how many chunks are loaded until 'building terrain' is completed on singleplayer join. # Min = 0, Max = 32 or your render distance, Whichever is smaller. Set 0 to disable. # # 'server_render_chunk_radius' = how many chunks are loaded until 'building terrain' is completed on server join. # Min = 0, Max = 32 or your render distance, Whichever is smaller. Set 0 to disable. #