#Client Configuration [client] [client.visual_options] # If markers above villagers should always show. If false, they will only show when the configured keybind is held. always_show = true # If markers should be visible through walls and other obstructions. show_through_walls = true # If markers should include an arrow under the profession-specific icon. show_arrow = true # If icons should show on minimaps. (Currently supports Xaero's Minimap, FTB Chunks, and JourneyMap). show_on_minimap = true # Which overlay graphic to use (0 = backpack, 1 = emerald, 2 = coin stack, 3 = bag, 4 = profession level, -1 = none). #Range: -1 ~ 4 overlay_icon = 3 # The opacity of displayed markers and arrows. #Range: 0.1 ~ 1.0 opacity = 1.0 # The maximum distance, in blocks, at which markers are visible. #Range: 16.0 ~ 256.0 max_distance = 64.0 # The percent of the maximum distance at which markers will begin to fade out. #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 fade_percent = 25.0 # How large in-world markers should appear. #Range: 0.5 ~ 2.0 icon_scale = 1.0 # How large markers should appear on minimaps. (Only applicable for maps without a built-in icon scale option.) #Range: 0.5 ~ 2.0 minimap_icon_scale = 0.75 # How high above villagers markers should appear. The default position (0) is right above name plates. #Range: -128 ~ 128 vertical_offset = 0 # The types of markers to show above villagers. Can be one of either "items", "jobs", "generic", or "custom". These options mean: # "items" - Shows items from the associated item list below. # "jobs" - Shows the texture from the villager's job site block (like the brewing stand for clerics, and so on). # "generic" - Shows a generic icon that is the same for all villagers. # "custom" - Shows custom icons for each villager profession (these can be replaced with a resource pack). marker_type = "custom" # A list of professions to ignore when displaying markers. Use "none" for villagers with no profession. profession_blacklist = ["none", "nitwit"] # The items associated with each villager profession. Only used when marker type is set to "items". # If not specified here, vanilla professions will have a default item and modded professions will have a generic icon. associated_items = {}