{ "dateFormatComment": "The date format used in timestamps. Uses Java SimpleDateFormat conventions.", "dateFormat": "M/d/yy h:mm a", "useInGameEditorComment": "Determines whether the in-game editor or the system's default text editor will be used to edit notes. If the system editor is not available, the in-game editor will be used.", "useInGameEditor": true, "useInGameViewerComment": "Determines whether the in-game viewer or the system's default text viewer will be used to view notes. If the system viewer is not available, the in-game viewer will be used.", "useInGameViewer": true, "pinnedNotePositionComment": "The HUD position of a pinned note. Values: top_left, top_right, center_left, center_right, bottom_left, bottom_right", "pinnedNotePosition": "center_right", "pinnedWidthScaleComment": "The maximum width of a pinned note relative to the screen's width.", "pinnedWidthScale": 0.2, "pinnedHeightScaleComment": "The maximum percentage of the screen's display height that a pinned note can take up.", "pinnedHeightScale": 1.0, "wrapNoteComment": "Determines whether displayed notes will be word wrapped.", "wrapNote": true }