#General mod settings [general] #Enables or disables idle visual in the server player list tab screen showIdleStatesInPlayerList = true #Sends when you open a Gui, and what Gui sendActiveGui = true #Plays a sutble sound when a player clicks their mouse in a Gui playMouseClickSounds = true #Plays a sound when a player opens some Guis playScreenOpenSounds = true #Enables or disables the non typing animations used when showing the open Gui, such as head looking, arms moving up, arms pointing and clicking showPlayerAnimation_Gui = true #Show the chat typing Gui in world showPlayerActiveChatGui = true #Adjust the X position where the 'Player is typing...' text shows in the chat Gui #Range: > 0 screenTypingRelativePosition_X = 0 #Enables or disables idle animation showPlayerAnimation_Idle = true #Adjust the Y position where the 'Player is typing...' text shows in the chat Gui #Range: > 0 screenTypingRelativePosition_Y = 0 #Sends relative mouse position and clicking sendMouseInfo = true #Sends a calculated rate of typing. If off, uses a default value on server sendTypingSpeed = true #Show any Gui they're using that isn't chat typing related in world showPlayerActiveNonChatGui = true #Sends when you go idle / return sendIdleState = true #Max characters allowed before it switches to using string set in screenTypingMultiplePlayersText #Range: > 0 screenTypingCharacterLimit = 50 #Enables or disables idle visual above player head showIdleStatesInPlayerAboveHead = true #Setting false disables all animations showPlayerAnimations = true #String to use when too many people are typing determined by screenTypingCharacterLimit screenTypingMultiplePlayersText = "Several people are typing" #Enables or disables typing animation showPlayerAnimation_Typing = true #Show 'Player is typing...' on the chat screen screenTypingVisible = true #If there isnt an exact Gui available for what the player is using, it will show the Chest Gui. If this is false, it will show nothing, lots of modded Guis will use this for now showPlayerActiveGuiIfNotExactMatch = true