Resource Pack Name: Programmer Art Fix Resource Pack Author: THGABS Officially Release on: CurseForge (Oct 21, 2023) You may use (parts of) my textures in your own pack and post it, as long as you have got my authorization. Also: - You CAN'T repost my resource pack to other websites, unless in your country it is restricted to visit the websites above or region, or there are other understandable reasons; before doing so, you should ALWAYS get authorized. You have to sign the original author (me) and original links to this pack. - You MUST NOT use my work for commercial purposes. - Private uses, which means you've made something that would never be distributed to others, is not subject to these terms. - Sharing this pack with your friends is not restricted. DO NOT violate the terms above, or I have the right to revoke all your permissions in this license and expose your misbehavior. Official Page (CurseForge): Official Page (Modrinth):