2024-03-06 10:50:17 +01:00

38 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable file

"durabilityviewer.config.bottom_right": "Nere till höger",
"durabilityviewer.config.bottom_left": "Nere till vänster",
"durabilityviewer.config.top_right": "Uppe till höger",
"durabilityviewer.config.top_left": "Uppe till vänster",
"durabilityviewer.config.corner": "HUD-hörn",
"durabilityviewer.config.armorhotbar": "Rustning runt hotbaren",
"durabilityviewer.config.tooltipcolor": "Tooltip-färg",
"durabilityviewer.config.effectduration": "Effektlängd",
"durabilityviewer.config.minpercent": "Ljud under procent",
"durabilityviewer.config.mindurability": "Ljud under hållbarhet",
"durabilityviewer.config.setwindowtitle": "Ange fönstertitel",
"durabilityviewer.config.showdamagepercent": "Procent för att visa skada",
"durabilityviewer.config.showfreeslots": "Visa lediga förrådsplatser",
"durabilityviewer.config.showalltrinkets": "Visa alla ändringar",
"durabilityviewer.config.percentvalues": "Percentages",
"durabilityviewer.config.warnmode": "Warning mode",
"": "Corner 0 to 3 - bottom right, bottom left, top right, top left",
"": "Render armor around hotbar (instead of with tools)",
"": "Minecraft Color 0 .. 15",
"": "Show effect durations",
"": "Play sound when durability below X percent",
"": "Play sound when durability below X",
"": "Set window title to player and server name",
"": "Show damage instead of durability while the item is still better than this %",
"": "Show chest icon with number of free inventory slots",
"": "If you have the trinkets mod, show all trinkets even when they don't have durability/damage",
"": "Show percentages instead of absolute values",
"": "How to warn when an item is about to break",
"key.categories.durabilityviewer": "Durability Viewer",
"key.durabilityviewer.showhide": "Show/hide durability display",
"tooltip.durability": "Durability %s",
"durabilityviewer.subtitle.toolBreaking": "Item about to break",
"durabilityviewer.config.warnmode.none": "None",
"durabilityviewer.config.warnmode.sound": "Sound only",
"durabilityviewer.config.warnmode.visual": "Visual only",
"durabilityviewer.config.warnmode.both": "Sound and visual"