2024-03-06 10:50:17 +01:00

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Blender 3.4 Tutorial for creating capes (you will need to install Blender first):
Open up the "Cloth.blend" file included in the capes folder. In the upper right within the collections you will find a lot of different
cloth examples that get already used in the game. You can use those as a base for learning.
Make sure when you model something that everything stays as QUADS. Triangles are allowed however the engine needs the quads to stabilize the
cloth simulation. Only use triangles for the contours of the cloth shape. UV mapping as usual and make sure that you simply name
the texture file the same name as the model file. Only .png is supported right now.
Now to the more interesting part, how do you fixate points of the cloth simulation so it doesn't fall to the ground? Vertex Paint!
Every vertex has a vertex color. Only the red and green component is important. When the red component is smaller than 1 the vertex is fixed
otherwise it is loose. The green component controls how much it tries to retain its shape. Green value of 1.0 means the feature is disabled.
Everything between 0.0 and 0.99 enable the shape retaining feature. 0.0 means no shape retaining, 0.99 means full shape retaining.
You can see that on the examples by selecting them, going into the "Shader Editor" and move the "Factor" slider under "Mix" to 1.0.
To select individual vertices check "Vertex Selection" next to the Vertex Paint selection (in the top left corner). Now select individual
vertices by Shift left clicking them. Then select the appropriate color in the eastern panel (depending on if the vertex should be fixed
or not) and hit Shift + K to color the selected vertices. To select all vertices simply press "A" and to deselect everything "Alt" + "A".
If you have any questions left feel free to ask them on my discord:
Exporting the model from Blender:
First we need to apply the transformations to the model. Select it -> "Ctrl" + "A" -> All Transforms. Now we can export the model.
Select File -> Export -> Collada (.dae)
Make sure to set this up correctly. On the right side there are exporting options. Check "Selection Only". Check "Apply" under "Global Orientation".
Press "Z" under "Forward Axis". Press "-Y" under "Up Axis". Go to the Geom Tab and uncheck the "Triangulate" box. Now enter a
filename and press "Export COLLADA".
Make sure to also put a texture file + rules file with the same name in the cloth_local folder (.png + .rules).
Rules file:
You can find examples of them in <minecraft installation folder>/.physics_mod_cache/cloth!
Here is how it works:
category: Basically the name of the cloth category. No more than 1 of the same category can be equipped. Create your own category or use existing ones.
parts: the player model part which the cloth gets attached to (make sure while modelling that you use the correct part as a reference, they are in the player collection)
specialTexture: use the player skin (minecraft:playerskin) or any other minecraft texture. Only use that if you need minecraft textures. Make sure to still have a
default .png file as texture
breaks: the category with which it isn't compatible (for example a coat breaks with a skirt so for the coat.rules you would put "Skirts" into the breaks part)
hideArmor: hides the specific armor pieces when this cloth is worn (allowed values: feet, legs, chest, head)
hideParts: makes parts of the player invisible while this cloth part is worn
ignoreParts: ignores those parts in the cloth collision detection
Allowed values for parts/hideParts/ignoreParts: head, hat, body, jacket, left_sleeve, left_arm, right_sleeve, right_arm, left_leg, left_pants, right_leg, right_pants
This is an example of a rules file:
"category": "Body",
"parts": [ "body" ],
"specialTexture": "minecraft:playerskin",
"breaks": [ "Back", "Accessories", "Skirts" ],
"hideArmor": [ "chest" ],
"hideParts": [ "right_arm", "right_sleeve" ],
"ignoreParts": [ "body", "jacket", "left_sleeve", "left_arm", "right_sleeve", "right_arm", "head", "hat", "left_leg", "left_pants", "right_leg", "right_pants" ]