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mod_missing_kick_message = "Sorry, you need to install the Plasmo Voice mod to play on this server.\nDownload here: https://modrinth.com/plugin/plasmo-voice"
player_not_found = "Player not found"
version_not_supported = "Sorry, your Plasmo Voice version is not supported on this server. %s"
player_only_command = "Only player can execute this command"
version_not_supported_click = "Download supported version"
no_permissions = "&cI'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is in error."
version_not_supported_hover = "%s"
unmuted = "You've been unmuted"
empty_reason = "not specified"
permanently_muted = "You've been permanently muted. Reason: %s"
temporarily_muted = "You've been muted %1$s. Reason: %2$s"
seconds = "for %s sec"
hours = "for %s h"
weeks = "for %s w"
minutes = "for %s min"
days = "for %s d"
never_expires = "never"
expiration_time = "HH:mm:ss"
expiration_date = "yyyy.MM.dd"
empty = "No players are muted"
entry_muted_by = "%1$s muted by %2$s, expires: %3$s. Reason: %4$s"
entry = "%1$s, expires: %2$s. Reason: %3$s"
header = "Muted players:"
expire_at = "%1$s at %2$s"
already_muted = "%s already muted"
usage = "Usage: /vmute <player> [duration] [reason]"
permanently_muted = "%1$s is permanently muted. Reason: %2$s"
temporarily_muted = "Muted %1$s %2$s. Reason: %3$s"
message = "Clients (%1$s/%2$s): %3$s"
empty = "no players with Plasmo Voice installed"
message = "Reconnect packet sent"
message = "Config reloaded"
usage = "Usage: /vunmute <player>"
unmuted = "Unmuted %s"
not_muted = "%s not muted"
proximity = "Proximity"