you will need to have an debian server installed with docker on how to do that you can follow my debian 12 server [post](
This section is normally used for setting up a proxy cus you use docker network routing but you can ignore this for this setup (do not remove this ofc).
This where you need to put the data ./data and 8001 is remote console because you can't traditionally
access the minecraft console becuase it's running in docker and for setting up rcon i will walk you through that in the next [step]() also what is important to know is if you have multiple server running with rcon
then you ofc need to change the port for the outside so change the CHANGETHIS section in "CHANGETHIS:8001".
for setting up papermc you need to get the papermc software from [here]() then you need to put it in ./data rename it to server.jar or change the name in docker-compose.yml then you need to test run it to see if it worked
it should give you an error becuase you didn't accept the [eula]() yet. (the eula is located in ./data/eula.txt) now that the server is installed and working you should test it by runnin the container as a daemon and connecting to the ip to run it you can execute this command:
now that the server is running you should connect to it with minecraft on version 1.20.1 and you should know how to get the ip with following my post on setting up a debian server with docker [post]()
when connect you might be convused on how to get op to get that you should start an rcon session to go over that you can follow this [post]() about it but you do first need to enable it in
and to do that you need to open it with your favorite text editor.
nano ./data/
then you need to do afew thing like setting a password, the port and enable it ofc
- **PORT:** It should be on line 4 and i recommend to set it to 8001.
- **ENABLING:** Line 34 and you should set it to true
- **PASS:** Line 42.
#### Plugins
You can now install plugins and the plugins i will go over in this post is essentialsx and worldedit to install them you just need to put them in .data/plugins/
and then run this command to restart the server:
docker compose down && docker compose up -d
<td>EssentialsX is the essential plugin suite for Minecraft servers, with over 130 commands for servers of all size and scale.</td>