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-**Name**: Kaley Fischer
+Hey! I'm Kaley! I sometimes go by DRAGONTOS or dragon. I have been using Linux for 3.2 years now and I have since 2 years ago joined the community. I try to help people with problems and make cool project's on 
+[github](https://github.com/DRAGONTOS)/[forgejo](https://git.kaleyfischer.xyz/DRAGONTOS)! I also have my own hyprland [fork](https://github.com/Trensa-Organization/hyprland)!
+## 🤓 Expertise
-**Call-sign**: Dragon
+### Servers & Administration: 
+- **Operating Systems:** Ubuntu & Debian.
+- **Container Management** Docker.
+- **Firewall:** pfsense, Ipfire & OPNsense.
+- **Scripting:** Bash, Systemd.
+### Web & Software Development:
+- **Operating Systems:** Linux, Fedora, Debian and Arch.
+- **Languages:** C++, Lua.
+- **Frameworks:** Hugo.
+- **Frontend:** HTML, CSS.
+- **Text Editing:** Neovim.
-**Trans**: MTF
+## 📒 Current Projects 
+- **Hyprland Fork:** I have my own Hyprland fork that I made some changes in, it mainly just is a stable build of Hyprland that you can easily [install]().
+## 🗄️ Git Repositories
+Below you can find somethings I have worked on in the past and still am working on:
-**Age**: 19
+    <thead>
+        <tr>
+            <th>Title</th>
+            <th>Description</th>
+            <th>Link</th>
+        </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+         <tr>
+            <td>RapidMenu</td>
+            <td>Utilize configuration files to create runner scripts.</td>
+            <td><a target="_blank" href="https://git.kaleyfischer.xyz/DRAGONTOS/RapidMenu">repo</a></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+            <td>minecraft-docker</td>
+            <td>A docker container for running a minecraft server!</td>
+            <td><a target="_blank" href="https://git.kaleyfischer.xyz/DRAGONTOS/minecraft-docker">repo</a></td>
+        </tr>
+         <tr>
+            <td>dwm</td>
+            <td>A dwm fork with all my favorite patches.</td>
+            <td><a target="_blank" href="https://git.kaleyfischer.xyz/DRAGONTOS/dwm">repo</a></td>
+        </tr>
+         <tr>
+            <td>Extramentals</td>
+            <td>Alt to Essentials!</td>
+            <td><a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/Trensa-Organization/Extramentals">repo</a></td>
+        </tr>
+         <tr>
+            <td>tr.blood</td>
+            <td>A blood particle plugin for minecraft.</td>
+            <td><a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/DRAGONTOS/tr.blood">repo</a></td>
+        </tr>
+    </tbody>
-**Sexualty**: Pansexual
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+title: "Why I use the workflow that I do"
+date: 2024-04-01
+draft: true
+description: "OwO"
+tags: ["hyprland", "workflow"]
+Some info about how and why I setup my workflow the way I do. So I use stratchpads 
+a lot (that would be special workspaces for hyprland) cus I can easily put a browser 
+or a terminal in there, and i can just hit Win + y (for a terminal) or Win + u (for a browser).
+### Plugins I Use:
+- [hy3](https://github.com/Trensa-Organization/hy3)
+- [split-monitor-workspaces](https://github.com/Trensa-Organization/split-monitor-workspaces)
+# Why I use the workflow that I do
+How to setup hyprland in my work style.
+## Prerequisites
+1. A fresh install of a linux distro with all build dependencies of [Hyprland](https://wiki.hyprland.org/Getting-Started/Installation/) (also of [Hyprlang]() and [Hyprcursor]()) installed.
+2. Have installed all the [required](https://kaleyfischer.xyz/posts/1712013557202-hyprland/#required-software) software, [waybar](https://github.com/Alexays/Waybar), [hyprpaper](https://wiki.hyprland.org/Hypr-Ecosystem/hyprpaper/), etc. 
+### Required Software
+Software that is required to copy the workflow I use. (ofc you don't have to copy my entire workflow but parts if you find somethings usefull)
+- kitty, waybar, Hyprpaper, grim, slurp, swappy, RapidMenu, rofi
+#### Why did I choose for these types of software?
+So for the terminal I use [kitty](https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty) a good terminal that has basically everything tmux has
+plus it has an easily configurable config, and for wallpaper management I use [hyprpaper]() it's simple and it just works.
+The bar i use is [waybar]() it seems to be the most simple out of all of them and i haven't tried [ewww]() yet but it seems to 
+be quite complicated to work with might make a post about it. (if so i'll link it [here]()) Screenshots I use [grim]() to screenshot, 
+[slurp]() to select the area to be screenshot and [swappy] for the gui. For the menus (rofi menus) I use my self made tool
+called [RapidMenu]() So what it does is it makes you able to write a simple toml config for [rofi]() (or any [dmenu]() like runner)
+and runs it like a script so no needs for scripts just use configs! well for most things. And for the runner i use [rofi]()
+it is similiar enough to dmenu and not as clunky as dmenu. 
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