# minecraft-docker A docker container for running minecraft server! # Installation Instructions These are the instructions to set this up. ## Network setup To setup the network you just need to use this command to create a network. ``` docker network create -d bridge minecraft-stack ``` (You can use this for multiple server, for like setting up a proxy like bungee or velocity) ## Configuring By default the compose file won't work to make it work you need to add your name for your server like -smp, also you will need to set an ip for it. (I will give you an example on how to set it up for a proxy) ``` version: "3.8" networks: customnetwork: external: true name: minecraft-stack services: minecraft-proxy: restart: always image: minecraft-proxy build: ./minecraft-docker command: ["java", "-Xmx2048M", "-jar", "server.jar", "true"] networks: customnetwork: ipv4_address: volumes: - "./data:/root/minecraft" ports: - "25565:25565" - "8001:8001" # RCON (REMOTE CONSOLE) ``` Happy configuring! ## Building You need to build the image now to do that use this command: ``` docker-compose build ``` ## Spinning them up! To first test it run the container without -d but when all works just use the -d (Example): ### Without -d for testing ``` docker-compose up ``` ### With -d for daemoninzing ``` docker-compose up -d ``` # Contributors - DRAGONTOS