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-Here, you'll find the current vehicles, utilities, and other such machinations utilized by the Anchor Determinari.
-Please note that this display features everything except for the projects under development by our R&D Division. As testing concludes, more models will be added for your enjoyment.
This ship runs on primarily hydrogen engines with an extra 4 atmospheric engines for when you need to deal with that pesky gravity. It uses a cruise control program for easy fuel saving and is 100% vanilla other than DLC. It's also made out of neutral colo...
The G-1c Sprite is back and with a few upgrades from The Anchor. -----Passive----- This ship runs on primarily hydrogen engines with an extra 4 atmospheric thruster for when you need to deal with that pesky gravity. It uses a cruise control program for eas...
Are you sick and tired of the monotony of everyday life, waiting for something to fix everything for you? Well too bad because this is a steam workshop item! In this new edition of the Sprite ship we've decided to modify the thruster modules and made it fi...
The Anchor R&D crew have been hard at work with this one, as the final entry to the Sprite-class family of ships, I'd like to introduce the Military Class G-3c Sprite. The G-3c Sprite is a versatile and agile fighter designed for atmospheric combat. Equipp...
"Hey! Where ya goin'?!" With this glorified combat taxi, you can go anywhere (within a reasonable atmosphere of course). After many iterations I'm finally tired of working on the same ship. The G-3f Osmium is an atmospheric transport unit capable of carryi...
The Anchor's R&D crew didn't go lightly with this one and pulled out all the stops and designed the heavyweight G-4h Liberty Class Frigate. With the Anchor's decision to move their operations upwards and outwards into space, there's been an increased need ...
Need to make a long trip but lack the proper jump drives? A stop at a JDAR unit can solve that! The JDAR (Jump Drive Assistance Ring) features a dual jump drive system, enabling nearly any vehicle that fits within it to achieve unparalleled jump distances....
So here we got a good ol' shippy ship... Yup, it's got grinders and welders that switch between each other quite nicely. Lots of cargo space so it's a good scrapping ship to take apart the remains of defeated enemies or even failed tests of your own making...