diff --git a/hyprpm/src/core/PluginManager.cpp b/hyprpm/src/core/PluginManager.cpp index 6d3da92e..459ee415 100644 --- a/hyprpm/src/core/PluginManager.cpp +++ b/hyprpm/src/core/PluginManager.cpp @@ -401,7 +401,14 @@ bool CPluginManager::updateHeaders(bool force) { progress.printMessageAbove(std::string{Colors::YELLOW} + "!" + Colors::RESET + " Cloning https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprland, this might take a moment."); - std::string ret = execAndGet("cd /tmp/hyprpm && git clone --recursive https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprland hyprland --shallow-since='" + HLVER.date + "'"); + // let us give a bit of leg-room for shallowing + // due to timezones, etc. + const std::string SHALLOW_DATE = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(HLVER.date).empty() ? "" : execAndGet("date --date='" + HLVER.date + " - 1 weeks' '+\%a \%b \%d \%H:\%M:\%S \%Y'"); + + if (m_bVerbose) + progress.printMessageAbove(std::string{Colors::BLUE} + "[v] " + Colors::RESET + "will shallow since: " + SHALLOW_DATE); + + std::string ret = execAndGet("cd /tmp/hyprpm && git clone --recursive https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprland hyprland --shallow-since='" + SHALLOW_DATE + "'"); if (!std::filesystem::exists("/tmp/hyprpm/hyprland")) { progress.printMessageAbove(std::string{Colors::RED} + "✖" + Colors::RESET + " Clone failed. Retrying without shallow.");