pull: added a pull request that adds a gradient to borders

This commit is contained in:
Kaley, Fischer 2024-01-04 07:38:59 +01:00
parent 25643b21df
commit f684fd3e43
5 changed files with 50 additions and 22 deletions

View file

@ -1879,15 +1879,13 @@ void CCompositor::updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(CWindow* pWindow) {
if (pWindow == m_pLastWindow) {
const auto* const ACTIVECOLOR =
setBorderColor(pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor.toUnderlying() >= 0 ?
CGradientValueData(CColor(pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor.toUnderlying())) :
setBorderColor(pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor.toUnderlying().m_vColors.empty() ? *ACTIVECOLOR :
} else {
const auto* const INACTIVECOLOR =
setBorderColor(pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor.toUnderlying() >= 0 ?
CGradientValueData(CColor(pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor.toUnderlying())) :
setBorderColor(pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor.toUnderlying().m_vColors.empty() ? *INACTIVECOLOR :

View file

@ -607,14 +607,43 @@ void CWindow::applyDynamicRule(const SWindowRule& r) {
m_sAdditionalConfigData.animationStyle = STYLE;
} else if (r.szRule.starts_with("bordercolor")) {
try {
std::string colorPart = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(r.szRule.substr(r.szRule.find_first_of(' ') + 1));
// Each vector will only get used if it has at least one color
CGradientValueData activeBorderGradient = {};
CGradientValueData inactiveBorderGradient = {};
bool active = true;
CVarList colorsAndAngles = CVarList(removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(r.szRule.substr(r.szRule.find_first_of(' ') + 1)), 0, 's', true);
if (colorPart.contains(' ')) {
// we have a space, 2 values
m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor = configStringToInt(colorPart.substr(0, colorPart.find_first_of(' ')));
m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor = configStringToInt(colorPart.substr(colorPart.find_first_of(' ') + 1));
// Basic form has only two colors, everything else can be parsed as a gradient
if (colorsAndAngles.size() == 2 && !colorsAndAngles[1].contains("deg")) {
m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor = CGradientValueData(CColor(configStringToInt(colorsAndAngles[0])));
m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor = CGradientValueData(CColor(configStringToInt(colorsAndAngles[1])));
for (auto& token : colorsAndAngles) {
// The first angle, or an explicit "0deg", splits the two gradients
if (active && token.contains("deg")) {
activeBorderGradient.m_fAngle = std::stoi(token.substr(0, token.size() - 3)) * (PI / 180.0);
active = false;
} else if (token.contains("deg")) {
inactiveBorderGradient.m_fAngle = std::stoi(token.substr(0, token.size() - 3)) * (PI / 180.0);
} else if (active) {
} else {
// Includes sanity checks for the number of colors in each gradient
if (activeBorderGradient.m_vColors.size() > 10 || inactiveBorderGradient.m_vColors.size() > 10) {
Debug::log(WARN, "Bordercolor rule \"{}\" has more than 10 colors in one gradient, ignoring", r.szRule);
} else if (activeBorderGradient.m_vColors.empty()) {
Debug::log(WARN, "Bordercolor rule \"{}\" has no colors, ignoring", r.szRule);
} else if (inactiveBorderGradient.m_vColors.empty()) {
m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor = activeBorderGradient;
} else {
m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor = configStringToInt(colorPart);
m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor = activeBorderGradient;
m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor = inactiveBorderGradient;
} catch (std::exception& e) { Debug::log(ERR, "BorderColor rule \"{}\" failed with: {}", r.szRule, e.what()); }
} else if (r.szRule == "dimaround") {
@ -644,8 +673,8 @@ void CWindow::applyDynamicRule(const SWindowRule& r) {
void CWindow::updateDynamicRules() {
m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor = -1;
m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor = -1;
m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor = CGradientValueData();
m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor = CGradientValueData();
m_sSpecialRenderData.alpha = 1.f;
m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaInactive = -1.f;
m_sAdditionalConfigData.forceNoBlur = false;

View file

@ -106,13 +106,13 @@ class CWindowOverridableVar {
struct SWindowSpecialRenderData {
CWindowOverridableVar<bool> alphaOverride = false;
CWindowOverridableVar<float> alpha = 1.f;
CWindowOverridableVar<bool> alphaInactiveOverride = false;
CWindowOverridableVar<float> alphaInactive = -1.f; // -1 means unset
CWindowOverridableVar<bool> alphaOverride = false;
CWindowOverridableVar<float> alpha = 1.f;
CWindowOverridableVar<bool> alphaInactiveOverride = false;
CWindowOverridableVar<float> alphaInactive = -1.f; // -1 means unset
CWindowOverridableVar<int64_t> activeBorderColor = -1; // -1 means unset
CWindowOverridableVar<int64_t> inactiveBorderColor = -1; // -1 means unset
CWindowOverridableVar<CGradientValueData> activeBorderColor = CGradientValueData(); // empty color vector means unset
CWindowOverridableVar<CGradientValueData> inactiveBorderColor = CGradientValueData(); // empty color vector means unset
// set by the layout
CWindowOverridableVar<int> borderSize = -1; // -1 means unset

View file

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class ICustomConfigValueData {
class CGradientValueData : public ICustomConfigValueData {
CGradientValueData(CColor col) {

View file

@ -1104,9 +1104,9 @@ std::string dispatchSetProp(std::string request) {
} else if (PROP == "alphainactive") {
PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaInactive.forceSetIgnoreLocked(std::stof(VAL), lock);
} else if (PROP == "activebordercolor") {
PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock);
PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor.forceSetIgnoreLocked(CGradientValueData(CColor(configStringToInt(VAL))), lock);
} else if (PROP == "inactivebordercolor") {
PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock);
PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor.forceSetIgnoreLocked(CGradientValueData(CColor(configStringToInt(VAL))), lock);
} else if (PROP == "forcergbx") {
PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.forceRGBX.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock);
} else if (PROP == "bordersize") {