Hyprland is a Dynamic Tiling Wayland Compositor in early development stages.
For Hyprland without the land part, see [Hypr](https://github.com/vaxerski/Hypr), the Xorg window manager.
Hyprland is in very early dev, expect bugs, instabilities and crashes. You have been warned!
Nevertheless, REPORT any you find! Make an issue!
# Key features
- Basic window animations
- Config reloaded instantly upon saving
- Easily expandable and readable codebase
- Support for docks/whatever
- Monitor rules
- Socket-based IPC
- Tiling/floating/fullscreen windows
- Moving/resizing windows
# Major to-dos
- Animations (better)
- Rounded corners
- Blur
- Fadein/out
- Window rules
- Fix electron rendering issues
- Optimization
- Fix weird scroll on XWayland
- Become sane
- More config options for tweakers
- Improve hyprctl
# Installation
Please refer to the [Wiki Page](https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/Installation)
# Configuring
Head onto the [Wiki Page](https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/Configuring-Hyprland) to see more.
Hyprland without a config is a bad idea!
# Gallery

# Contributions
Welcome, I'll make a CONTRIBUTING.md some time in the future.