2023-04-12 01:33:00 -07:00
#include "Hy3Layout.hpp"
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2023-04-12 01:33:00 -07:00
#include <src/Compositor.hpp>
Hy3GroupData::Hy3GroupData(Hy3GroupLayout layout): layout(layout) {}
Hy3NodeData::Hy3NodeData(): Hy3NodeData((CWindow*)nullptr) {}
Hy3NodeData::Hy3NodeData(CWindow *window): type(Hy3NodeData::Window) {
this->as_window = window;
Hy3NodeData::Hy3NodeData(Hy3GroupData group): type(Hy3NodeData::Group) {
new(&this->as_group) Hy3GroupData(std::move(group));
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Hy3NodeData::Hy3NodeData(Hy3GroupLayout layout): Hy3NodeData(Hy3GroupData(layout)) {}
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Hy3NodeData::~Hy3NodeData() {
switch (this->type) {
case Hy3NodeData::Window:
case Hy3NodeData::Group:
// who ever thought calling the dtor after a move was a good idea?
this->type = Hy3NodeData::Window;
Hy3NodeData::Hy3NodeData(const Hy3NodeData& from): type(from.type) {
Debug::log(LOG, "Copy CTor type matches? %d is group? %d", this->type == from.type, this->type == Hy3NodeData::Group);
switch (from.type) {
case Hy3NodeData::Window:
this->as_window = from.as_window;
case Hy3NodeData::Group:
new(&this->as_group) Hy3GroupData(from.as_group);
Hy3NodeData::Hy3NodeData(Hy3NodeData&& from): type(from.type) {
Debug::log(LOG, "Move CTor type matches? %d is group? %d", this->type == from.type, this->type == Hy3NodeData::Group);
switch (from.type) {
case Hy3NodeData::Window:
this->as_window = from.as_window;
case Hy3NodeData::Group:
new(&this->as_group) Hy3GroupData(std::move(from.as_group));
Hy3NodeData& Hy3NodeData::operator=(const Hy3NodeData& from) {
Debug::log(LOG, "operator= type matches? %d is group? %d", this->type == from.type, this->type == Hy3NodeData::Group);
if (this->type == Hy3NodeData::Group) {
this->type = from.type;
switch (this->type) {
case Hy3NodeData::Window:
this->as_window = from.as_window;
case Hy3NodeData::Group:
new(&this->as_group) Hy3GroupData(from.as_group);
return *this;
2023-04-13 14:12:48 -07:00
Hy3NodeData& Hy3NodeData::operator=(CWindow* window) {
*this = Hy3NodeData(window);
return *this;
Hy3NodeData& Hy3NodeData::operator=(Hy3GroupLayout layout) {
*this = Hy3NodeData(layout);
return *this;
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bool Hy3NodeData::operator==(const Hy3NodeData& rhs) const {
if (this->type != rhs.type) return false;
switch (this->type) {
case Hy3NodeData::Window:
return this->as_window == rhs.as_window;
case Hy3NodeData::Group:
return this->as_group.children == rhs.as_group.children;
return false;
bool Hy3Node::operator==(const Hy3Node& rhs) const {
return this->data == rhs.data;
void Hy3Node::recalcSizePosRecursive(bool force) {
if (this->data.type != Hy3NodeData::Group) {
this->layout->applyNodeDataToWindow(this, force);
auto* group = &this->data.as_group;
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if (group->children.size() == 1 && this->parent != nullptr) {
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auto child = group->children.front();
if (child == this) {
Debug::log(ERR, "a group (%p) has become its own child", this);
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double distortOut;
double distortIn;
const auto* gaps_in = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("general:gaps_in")->intValue;
const auto* gaps_out = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("general:gaps_out")->intValue;
if (gaps_in > gaps_out) {
distortOut = *gaps_out - 1.0;
} else {
distortOut = *gaps_in - 1.0;
if (distortOut < 0) distortOut = 0.0;
distortIn = *gaps_in * 2;
switch (group->layout) {
case Hy3GroupLayout::SplitH:
child->position.x = this->position.x - distortOut;
child->size.x = this->size.x - distortIn;
child->position.y = this->position.y;
child->size.y = this->size.y;
case Hy3GroupLayout::SplitV:
child->position.y = this->position.y - distortOut;
child->size.y = this->size.y - distortIn;
child->position.x = this->position.x;
child->size.x = this->size.x;
case Hy3GroupLayout::Tabbed:
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int constraint;
switch (group->layout) {
case Hy3GroupLayout::SplitH:
constraint = this->size.x;
case Hy3GroupLayout::SplitV:
constraint = this->size.y;
case Hy3GroupLayout::Tabbed:
double offset = 0;
for(auto child: group->children) {
switch (group->layout) {
case Hy3GroupLayout::SplitH:
child->position.x = this->position.x + offset;
child->size.x = child->size_ratio * ((double) constraint / group->children.size());
offset += child->size.x;
child->position.y = this->position.y;
child->size.y = this->size.y;
case Hy3GroupLayout::SplitV:
child->position.y = this->position.y + offset;
child->size.y = child->size_ratio * ((double) constraint / group->children.size());
offset += child->size.y;
child->position.x = this->position.x;
child->size.x = this->size.x;
case Hy3GroupLayout::Tabbed:
// TODO: tab bars
child->position = this->position;
child->size = this->size;
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bool Hy3GroupData::hasChild(Hy3Node* node) {
Debug::log(LOG, "Searching for child %p of %p", this, node);
for (auto child: this->children) {
if (child == node) return true;
if (child->data.type == Hy3NodeData::Group) {
if (child->data.as_group.hasChild(node)) return true;
return false;
void swapNodeData(Hy3Node& a, Hy3Node& b) {
Hy3NodeData aData = std::move(a.data);
a.data = b.data;
b.data = aData;
if (a.data.type == Hy3NodeData::Group) {
for (auto child: a.data.as_group.children) {
child->parent = &a;
if (b.data.type == Hy3NodeData::Group) {
for (auto child: b.data.as_group.children) {
child->parent = &b;
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int Hy3Layout::getWorkspaceNodeCount(const int& id) {
int count = 0;
for (auto& node: this->nodes) {
if (node.workspace_id == id && node.valid) count++;
return count;
Hy3Node* Hy3Layout::getNodeFromWindow(CWindow* window) {
for (auto& node: this->nodes) {
if (node.data.type == Hy3NodeData::Window && node.data.as_window == window) {
return &node;
return nullptr;
Hy3Node* Hy3Layout::getWorkspaceRootGroup(const int& id) {
for (auto& node: this->nodes) {
if (node.parent == nullptr && node.data.type == Hy3NodeData::Group) {
return &node;
return nullptr;
void Hy3Layout::applyNodeDataToWindow(Hy3Node* node, bool force) {
if (node->data.type != Hy3NodeData::Window) return;
CWindow* window = node->data.as_window;
CMonitor* monitor = nullptr;
if (g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(node->workspace_id)) {
for (auto& m: g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) {
if (m->specialWorkspaceID == node->workspace_id) {
monitor = m.get();
} else {
monitor = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(node->workspace_id)->m_iMonitorID);
if (monitor == nullptr) {
Debug::log(ERR, "Orphaned Node %x (workspace ID: %i)!!", node, node->workspace_id);
// for gaps outer
const bool display_left = STICKS(node->position.x, monitor->vecPosition.x + monitor->vecReservedTopLeft.x);
const bool display_right = STICKS(node->position.x + node->size.x, monitor->vecPosition.x + monitor->vecSize.x - monitor->vecReservedBottomRight.x);
const bool display_top = STICKS(node->position.y, monitor->vecPosition.y + monitor->vecReservedTopLeft.y);
const bool display_bottom = STICKS(node->position.y + node->size.y, monitor->vecPosition.y + monitor->vecSize.y - monitor->vecReservedBottomRight.y);
const auto* border_size = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("general:border_size")->intValue;
const auto* gaps_in = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("general:gaps_in")->intValue;
const auto* gaps_out = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("general:gaps_out")->intValue;
static auto* const single_window_no_gaps = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("plugin:hy3:no_gaps_when_only")->intValue;
if (!g_pCompositor->windowExists(window) || !window->m_bIsMapped) {
Debug::log(ERR, "Node %p holding invalid window %p!!", node, window);
window->m_vSize = node->size;
window->m_vPosition = node->position;
auto calcPos = window->m_vPosition + Vector2D(*border_size, *border_size);
auto calcSize = window->m_vSize - Vector2D(2 * *border_size, 2 * *border_size);
const auto workspace_node_count = this->getWorkspaceNodeCount(window->m_iWorkspaceID);
if (*single_window_no_gaps
&& !g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(window->m_iWorkspaceID)
&& (workspace_node_count == 1
|| (window->m_bIsFullscreen
&& g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(window->m_iWorkspaceID)->m_efFullscreenMode == FULLSCREEN_MAXIMIZED)))
window->m_vRealPosition = window->m_vPosition;
window->m_vRealSize = window->m_vSize;
window->m_sSpecialRenderData.rounding = false;
window->m_sSpecialRenderData.border = false;
window->m_sSpecialRenderData.decorate = false;
} else {
window->m_sSpecialRenderData.rounding = true;
window->m_sSpecialRenderData.border = true;
window->m_sSpecialRenderData.decorate = true;
Vector2D offset_topleft(
display_left ? *gaps_out : *gaps_in,
display_top ? *gaps_out : *gaps_in
Vector2D offset_bottomright(
display_right ? *gaps_out : *gaps_in,
display_bottom ? *gaps_out : *gaps_in
calcPos = calcPos + offset_topleft;
calcSize = calcSize - offset_topleft - offset_bottomright;
const auto reserved_area = window->getFullWindowReservedArea();
calcPos = calcPos + reserved_area.topLeft;
calcSize = calcSize - (reserved_area.topLeft - reserved_area.bottomRight);
window->m_vRealPosition = calcPos;
window->m_vRealSize = calcSize;
Debug::log(LOG, "Set size (%f %f)", calcSize.x, calcSize.y);
g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(window, calcSize);
if (force) {
void Hy3Layout::onWindowCreatedTiling(CWindow* window) {
if (window->m_bIsFloating) return;
auto* monitor = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(window->m_iMonitorID);
Hy3Node* opening_into;
Hy3Node* opening_after;
if (g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow != nullptr
&& !g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow->m_bIsFloating
&& g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow != window
&& g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow->m_iWorkspaceID == window->m_iWorkspaceID
&& g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow->m_bIsMapped)
opening_after = this->getNodeFromWindow(g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow);
} else {
opening_after = this->getNodeFromWindow(g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowTiled(g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal()));
if (opening_after != nullptr) {
opening_into = opening_after->parent;
} else {
if ((opening_into = this->getWorkspaceRootGroup(window->m_iWorkspaceID)) == nullptr) {
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.data = Hy3GroupLayout::SplitH,
2023-04-12 01:33:00 -07:00
.position = monitor->vecPosition,
.size = monitor->vecSize,
.workspace_id = window->m_iWorkspaceID,
.layout = this,
opening_into = &this->nodes.back();
if (opening_into->data.type != Hy3NodeData::Group) {
Debug::log(ERR, "opening_into node %p was not of type Group", opening_into);
.parent = opening_into,
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.data = window,
2023-04-12 01:33:00 -07:00
.workspace_id = window->m_iWorkspaceID,
.layout = this,
auto& node = this->nodes.back();
if (opening_after == nullptr) {
} else {
auto& children = opening_into->data.as_group.children;
auto iter = std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), opening_after);
auto iter2 = std::next(iter);
children.insert(iter2, &node);
Debug::log(LOG, "open new window %p(node: %p:%p) on winodow %p in %p", window, &node, node.data.as_window, opening_after, opening_into);
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Debug::log(LOG, "opening_into (%p) contains new child (%p)? %d", opening_into, &node, opening_into->data.as_group.hasChild(&node));
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void Hy3Layout::onWindowRemovedTiling(CWindow* window) {
auto* node = this->getNodeFromWindow(window);
Debug::log(LOG, "remove tiling %p (window %p)", node, window);
if (node == nullptr) {
Debug::log(ERR, "onWindowRemovedTiling node null?");
window->m_sSpecialRenderData.rounding = true;
window->m_sSpecialRenderData.border = true;
window->m_sSpecialRenderData.decorate = true;
if (window->m_bIsFullscreen) {
g_pCompositor->setWindowFullscreen(window, false, FULLSCREEN_FULL);
auto* parent = node->parent;
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auto* group = &parent->data.as_group;
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2023-04-16 21:56:19 -07:00
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2023-04-16 21:56:19 -07:00
while (parent->parent != nullptr && group->children.empty()) {
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auto* child = parent;
parent = parent->parent;
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group = &parent->data.as_group;
if (group->children.size() > 2) {
auto iter = std::find(group->children.begin(), group->children.end(), child);
if (iter == group->children.begin()) {
group->lastFocusedChild = *std::next(iter);
} else {
group->lastFocusedChild = *std::prev(iter);
if (group->children.size() == 1) {
group->lastFocusedChild = group->children.front();
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2023-04-16 21:56:19 -07:00
if (parent != nullptr) {
auto* focus = group->lastFocusedChild;
while (focus->data.type == Hy3NodeData::Group) focus = focus->data.as_group.lastFocusedChild;
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void Hy3Layout::onWindowFocusChange(CWindow* window) {
Debug::log(LOG, "Switched windows from %p to %p", this->lastActiveWindow, window);
auto* node = this->getNodeFromWindow(this->lastActiveWindow);
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if (node != nullptr) Debug::log(LOG, "Switched focused node to %p (parent: %p)", node, node->parent);
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this->lastActiveWindow = window;
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bool Hy3Layout::isWindowTiled(CWindow* window) {
return this->getNodeFromWindow(window) != nullptr;
void Hy3Layout::recalculateMonitor(const int& eIdleInhibitMode) {
; // empty
void Hy3Layout::recalculateWindow(CWindow* pWindow) {
; // empty
void Hy3Layout::resizeActiveWindow(const Vector2D& delta, CWindow* pWindow) {
; // empty
void Hy3Layout::fullscreenRequestForWindow(CWindow* pWindow, eFullscreenMode mode, bool on) {
; // empty
std::any Hy3Layout::layoutMessage(SLayoutMessageHeader header, std::string content) {
return "";
SWindowRenderLayoutHints Hy3Layout::requestRenderHints(CWindow* pWindow) {
return {};
void Hy3Layout::switchWindows(CWindow* pWindowA, CWindow* pWindowB) {
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Debug::log(LOG, "SwitchWindows: %p %p", pWindowA, pWindowB);
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; // empty
void Hy3Layout::alterSplitRatio(CWindow* pWindow, float delta, bool exact) {
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Debug::log(LOG, "AlterSplitRatio: %p %f", pWindow, delta);
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; // empty
std::string Hy3Layout::getLayoutName() {
return "custom";
void Hy3Layout::replaceWindowDataWith(CWindow* from, CWindow* to) {
; // empty
void Hy3Layout::onEnable() {
for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) {
if (w->isHidden() || !w->m_bIsMapped || w->m_bFadingOut || w->m_bIsFloating)
void Hy3Layout::onDisable() {
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void Hy3Layout::makeGroupOn(CWindow* window, Hy3GroupLayout layout) {
auto* node = this->getNodeFromWindow(window);
if (node == nullptr) return;
if (node->parent->data.as_group.children.size() == 1
&& (node->parent->data.as_group.layout == Hy3GroupLayout::SplitH
|| node->parent->data.as_group.layout == Hy3GroupLayout::SplitV))
node->parent->data.as_group.layout = layout;
.parent = node,
.data = node->data.as_window,
.workspace_id = node->workspace_id,
.layout = this,
node->data = layout;
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Hy3Node* shiftOrGetFocus(Hy3Node& node, ShiftDirection direction, bool shift);
void Hy3Layout::shiftFocus(CWindow* window, ShiftDirection direction) {
Debug::log(LOG, "ShiftFocus %p %d", window, direction);
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auto* node = this->getNodeFromWindow(window);
if (node == nullptr) return;
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Hy3Node* target;
if ((target = shiftOrGetFocus(*node, direction, false))) {
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void Hy3Layout::shiftWindow(CWindow* window, ShiftDirection direction) {
Debug::log(LOG, "ShiftWindow %p %d", window, direction);
auto* node = this->getNodeFromWindow(window);
if (node == nullptr) return;
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
shiftOrGetFocus(*node, direction, true);
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Hy3Node* findCommonParentNode(Hy3Node& a, Hy3Node& b) {
Hy3Node* last_node = nullptr;
Hy3Node* searcher = &a;
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
while (searcher != nullptr) {
if (searcher->data.type == Hy3NodeData::Group) {
for (auto child: searcher->data.as_group.children) {
if (last_node == child) continue; // dont rescan already scanned tree
if (child == &b) return searcher;
if (child->data.type == Hy3NodeData::Group && child->data.as_group.hasChild(&b)) {
return searcher;
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
last_node = searcher;
searcher = searcher->parent;
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
return nullptr;
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bool shiftIsForward(ShiftDirection direction) {
return direction == ShiftDirection::Right || direction == ShiftDirection::Down;
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
// if shift is true, shift the window in the given direction, returning nullptr,
// if shift is false, return the window in the given direction or nullptr.
Hy3Node* shiftOrGetFocus(Hy3Node& node, ShiftDirection direction, bool shift) {
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
auto* break_origin = &node;
auto* break_parent = break_origin->parent;
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// break parents until we hit a container oriented the same way as the shift direction
while (true) {
if (break_parent == nullptr) return nullptr;
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
auto& group = break_parent->data.as_group; // must be a group in order to be a parent
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
if (((group.layout == Hy3GroupLayout::SplitH || group.layout == Hy3GroupLayout::Tabbed)
&& (direction == ShiftDirection::Left || direction == ShiftDirection::Right))
|| (group.layout == Hy3GroupLayout::SplitV
&& (direction == ShiftDirection::Up || direction == ShiftDirection::Down)))
// group has the correct orientation
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
// if this movement would break out of the group, continue the break loop (do not enter this if)
// otherwise break.
if (!((!shiftIsForward(direction) && group.children.front() == break_origin)
|| (shiftIsForward(direction) && group.children.back() == break_origin)))
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
// always break at the outermost group
if (break_parent->parent == nullptr) {
} else {
break_origin = break_parent;
break_parent = break_origin->parent;
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
auto& parent_group = break_parent->data.as_group;
Hy3Node* target_group = break_parent;
std::list<Hy3Node*>::iterator insert;
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2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
if (break_origin == parent_group.children.front() && !shiftIsForward(direction)) {
if (!shift) return nullptr;
insert = parent_group.children.begin();
} else if (break_origin == parent_group.children.back() && shiftIsForward(direction)) {
if (!shift) return nullptr;
insert = parent_group.children.end();
} else {
auto& group_data = target_group->data.as_group;
auto iter = std::find(group_data.children.begin(), group_data.children.end(), break_origin);
if (shiftIsForward(direction)) iter = std::next(iter);
else iter = std::prev(iter);
if ((*iter)->data.type == Hy3NodeData::Window) {
if (shift) {
if (target_group == node.parent) {
if (shiftIsForward(direction)) insert = std::next(iter);
else insert = iter;
} else {
if (shiftIsForward(direction)) insert = iter;
else insert = std::next(iter);
} else return *iter;
} else {
// break into neighboring groups until we hit a window
while (true) {
target_group = *iter;
auto& group_data = target_group->data.as_group;
if (group_data.children.empty()) return nullptr; // in theory this would never happen
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bool shift_after = false;
if (((group_data.layout == Hy3GroupLayout::SplitH || group_data.layout == Hy3GroupLayout::Tabbed)
2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
&& (direction == ShiftDirection::Left || direction == ShiftDirection::Right))
|| (group_data.layout == Hy3GroupLayout::SplitV
2023-04-16 21:56:19 -07:00
&& (direction == ShiftDirection::Up || direction == ShiftDirection::Down)))
2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
// if the group has the same orientation as movement pick the last/first child based
// on movement direction
if (shiftIsForward(direction)) iter = group_data.children.begin();
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else {
iter = std::prev(group_data.children.end());
shift_after = true;
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} else {
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if (group_data.lastFocusedChild != nullptr) {
iter = std::find(group_data.children.begin(), group_data.children.end(), group_data.lastFocusedChild);
shift_after = true;
} else {
iter = group_data.children.begin();
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if ((*iter)->data.type == Hy3NodeData::Window) {
if (shift) {
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if (shift_after) insert = std::next(iter);
2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
else insert = iter;
} else {
return *iter;
2023-04-13 14:12:48 -07:00
2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
2023-04-13 14:12:48 -07:00
2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
auto& group_data = target_group->data.as_group;
if (target_group == node.parent) {
// nullptr is used as a signal value instead of removing it first to avoid iterator invalidation.
auto iter = std::find(group_data.children.begin(), group_data.children.end(), &node);
*iter = nullptr;
target_group->data.as_group.children.insert(insert, &node);
} else {
auto* old_parent = node.parent;
2023-04-16 21:56:19 -07:00
auto* old_group = &old_parent->data.as_group;
if (old_group->children.size() > 2) {
auto iter = std::find(old_group->children.begin(), old_group->children.end(), &node);
if (iter == old_group->children.begin()) {
old_group->lastFocusedChild = *std::next(iter);
} else {
old_group->lastFocusedChild = *std::prev(iter);
2023-04-16 16:27:18 -07:00
node.parent = target_group;
node.size_ratio = 1.0;
target_group->data.as_group.children.insert(insert, &node);
2023-04-16 21:56:19 -07:00
// must happen AFTER `insert` is used
if (old_group->children.empty()) {
while (old_parent->parent != nullptr && old_parent->data.as_group.children.empty()) {
auto* child = old_parent;
old_parent = old_parent->parent;
old_group = &old_parent->data.as_group;
if (old_group->children.size() > 2) {
auto iter = std::find(old_group->children.begin(), old_group->children.end(), child);
if (iter == old_group->children.begin()) {
old_group->lastFocusedChild = *std::next(iter);
} else {
old_group->lastFocusedChild = *std::prev(iter);
if (old_group->children.size() == 1) {
old_group->lastFocusedChild = old_group->children.front();
} else if (old_group->children.size() == 1) {
old_group->lastFocusedChild = old_group->children.front();
2023-04-13 14:12:48 -07:00
return nullptr;