outfoxxed dc5a0224ce
fixup: fix breakage after hyprland#5762 + improve Hy3NodeData repr
Hy3NodeData now uses std::variant instead of a union, and all accesses
are checked.
2024-04-29 16:45:23 -07:00

37 lines
1 KiB

inputs = {
hyprland.url = "github:hyprwm/Hyprland";
outputs = { self, hyprland, ... }: let
inherit (hyprland.inputs) nixpkgs;
hyprlandSystems = fn: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs
(builtins.attrNames hyprland.packages)
(system: fn system nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system});
props = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile "${hyprland}/props.json");
in {
packages = hyprlandSystems (system: pkgs: rec {
hy3 = pkgs.callPackage ./default.nix {
hyprland = hyprland.packages.${system}.hyprland;
hlversion = props.version;
default = hy3;
devShells = hyprlandSystems (system: pkgs: {
default = import ./shell.nix {
inherit pkgs;
hlversion = props.version;
hyprland = hyprland.packages.${system}.hyprland-debug;
impure = import ./shell.nix {
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
hlversion = props.version;
hyprland = (pkgs.appendOverlays [ hyprland.overlays.hyprland-packages ]).hyprland-debug;