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# The channel that Euphonium will use for playing sounds
# default: AMBIENT
channel = "AMBIENT"
# Plays ambient background sound according to the biome and time of day
# default: true
biomeAmbienceEnabled = true
# Plays ambient sound according to world features around the player
# default: true
worldAmbienceEnabled = true
# Number of blocks above the ground that biome ambience will be silenced
# Set to zero to disable
# default: 32
cullSoundAboveGround = 32
# Number of blocks to check for neighbouring biomes
# Set to zero to disable
# default: 32
biomeBlend = 32
# Affects the volume of all biome ambient sounds
# range[0.0, 1.0]
# default: 0.55
volumeScaling = 0.55
# Dimensions in which biome ambience will be played
dimensions = ["minecraft:overworld", "minecraft:the_end"]
# Affects the volume of all world ambient sounds
# range[0.0, 1.0]
# default: 0.55
volumeScaling = 0.55
# Number of blocks above the ground that biome ambience will be silenced
# Set to zero to disable
# default: 32
cullSoundAboveGround = 32
# Plays ambient sounds while anywhere in the End
# default: true
alien = true
# Plays ambient sounds in cold and/or barren overworld environments
# default: true
bleak = true
# Plays ambient sounds in dry and/or hot overworld environments
# default: true
dry = true
# Plays ambient sounds when high up in the overworld
# default: true
high = true
# Plays ambient sounds in plains environments at night
# default: true
nightPlains = true
# Plays ambient sounds when in a cold biome during a thunderstorm
# default: true
snowstorm = true
# Plays ambient sounds while inside a woodland mansion
# default: true
mansion = true
# Plays ambient sounds when a player is inside a village
# default: true
village = true
# Plays ambient sounds from a nearby mineshaft
# default: true
mineshaft = true
# Plays ambient sounds from a nearby amethyst geode
# default: true
geode = true
# Plays water sounds from a nearby water source when underground
# default: true
undergroundWater = true
# Plays ambient sounds when the player is underground and near gravel blocks
# default: true
gravel = true
# Plays ambient sounds when the player is underground and near deepslate blocks
# default: true
deepslate = true
# Plays more Intense cave sounds when below Y 0 and light level is lower than 10
# default: true
caveDepth = true
# Plays a low drone sound when in a cave below a certain depth
# default: true
caveDrone = true
# Depth (Y Coordinate) under which cave drone ambience will play
# default: 48
caveDroneDepth = 48
# Light level at which cave ambience (drone and depth) will stop playing
# range[0, 16]
# default: 10
caveLightLevel = 10
# Dimensions in which cave ambience (drone and depth) will be played
caveDimensions = ["minecraft:overworld"]